Human Trafficking Awareness [CSEC Series Part 1]

Justice U Human Trafficking Awareness Badge

Part 1: WelcomeThis course is Part 1 of the certification program Essential Knowledge for Addressing the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children. The goal of this training is to build and verify your critical knowledge and skills to end human trafficking. By learning about the issue of human trafficking with this course, you are on your way to making a true …

Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) Awareness for Georgia Learners [CSEC Series Part 2]

Justice U CSEC Awareness for Georgia Badge

Part 2: WelcomeThis course is Part 2 of the certification program Essential Knowledge for Addressing the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children. This course builds awareness about CSEC in the state of Georgia and across the United States. The goal of this training is to better equip all those in the Amerigroup network of partners interacting with and caring for children …

Understanding My Role to Address CSEC in Georgia [CSEC Series Part 3]

Part 3: WelcomeThis course is Part 3 of the certification program Essential Knowledge for Addressing the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children. This final component will provide you role-specific details important to your specific context and/or profession. You can choose one or more tracks, or roles, to explore. At the end of each role-based track, you will find instructions and guidance …