Time and resources, however, are limited, and you will not want to duplicate efforts unnecessarily or create resources that do not match your community’s needs. Therefore, before you engage, it is important to understand who is already working in your community and what efforts are already underway. By doing so, you can create an action plan that will fill the …
Story: Frank works on Lina's behalf
Frank pursues local legal and system reformsWhile Rosemary is helping Lina get the services she needs, Frank reaches out to a local law school to see if they can be of assistance to Lina in a civil case against the family that trafficked her. Frank also connects with their local legislator to share about Lina’s case and to see if …
Story: Lina begins recovery and reintegration
Lina’s restoration journey beginsAfter meeting with Lina about her needs, Rosemary first works with a local shelter to find Lina a place to rent for a reduced cost. Because Lina needs legal support, Frank reaches out to a friend who is an attorney who agrees to take on Lina’s case pro bono. Once Lina is assured of her physical safety, …
Story: Rosemary becomes a victim advocate
Rosemary learns about victim advocacyLaw enforcement and a local service provider ask Rosemary if she would be willing to be an advocate for Lina, helping her to navigate the systems and resources that are available to her, because there is not a victim advocates program in the city for foreign national victims of human trafficking and she had already begun …
Story: Lina is rescued
Lina is recovered from labor traffickingBecause of Rosemary and Frank’s report, law enforcement officials intervene and help Lina out of her situation. Lina will need someone to walk alongside her as she is still hurting and confused, and does not know what is going to happen now or what next steps to take. Rosemary and Frank reach out to their …
Story: Making a call
Rosemary & Frank report their concernsRosemary and Frank are concerned for Lina after discussing together what they’ve observed compared to what Rosemary learned at the presentation. Rosemary tells Frank that at the meeting, the presenter said that if someone sees something suspicious, they should report it, even if they’re not sure if they have all the information that law enforcement …
What do Reforms look like?
Review each of the following sections to learn more about the subcategories of Reforms. Keep in mind that for a community to be strong in reforming what needs to change in order to help end human trafficking, it must be strong in all of the following areas simultaneously—and in all scope considerations. What does it look like to…Pursue legal reformsThe …
What does Restoration look like?
Review each of the following sections to learn more about the subcategories of Restoration. Keep in mind that for a community to be strong in helping survivors in their restoration journey, it must be strong in all of the following areas simultaneously—and in all scope considerations. What does it look like to…Provide tailored and appropriate aftercareRestoration includes both residential and …
What does Rescue look like?
Review each of the following sections to learn more about the subcategories of Rescue. Keep in mind that for a community to be strong in rescuing victims of human trafficking, it must be strong in all of the following areas simultaneously—and in all scope considerations. What does it look like to…Support law enforcement interventionRescue includes the moment of intervention, which …
What does Identification look like?
Review each of the following sections to learn more about the subcategories of Identification. Keep in mind that for a community to be strong in identifying human trafficking, it must be strong in all of the following areas simultaneously—and in all scope considerations. What does it look like to…Provide sufficient trainingIdentification includes ensuring adequate training for specific roles and professions …