Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Human Trafficking Microbadge
Earners of this microbadge have demonstrated awareness of the connections between the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact and increasing risk factors for human trafficking. Earners can recognize key rise and compounding vulnerabilities related to the COVID-19 pandemic and can also describe tangible ways to engage in efforts that strengthen communities and contribute to the end of human trafficking.
To earn this badge, the learner must complete the course final exam in the Justice U™ course, The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Human Trafficking with a score of 80% or higher. The exam has 10 questions based on the course learning objectives. Learners are allowed 3 attempts total.
This course and final exam addresses the following learning objectives:
- Describe the connection between compounding vulnerabilities and risk of human trafficking.
- Recognize rising and compounding vulnerabilities that are connected to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Recall key factors and evidence for the increase of domestic violence and child abuse since the start of the pandemic.
- Recall key factors and evidence for the increase of unemployment and homelessness since the start of the pandemic.
- Recall key factors and evidence for the increase of runaway and homeless youth, and for disconnected youth, since the start of the pandemic.
- Recognize how the COVID-19 pandemic has increased barriers to services and supports for survivors of human trafficking.
- Recognize how the COVID-19 pandemic has increased barriers to the identification of human trafficking.
- List 3 ways you can currently engage in efforts to help end and prevent human trafficking.
- Identify key national hotlines for reporting domestic violence, online child exploitation, and human trafficking.
How to share your digital credential:
Once you have earned this credential, simply follow the instructions you receive by email from Justice U™ via Credly. (These instructions are sent to the same email address you use for your Justice U account.) Once you have logged in to Credly and accepted this credential, you will also find sharing instructions, which include options for LinkedIn, a PDF download, and sharing to other social media accounts.
Note: If this page shows you have earned this achievement, but you have not received an email, try going directly to Credly to view, accept, and share your credential. Create a new account with Credly if it's your first time using Credly.
About Justice U™
Justice U is a learning platform that quickly delivers knowledge from experts in the anti-trafficking movement to audiences who need it, with tools every modern learner needs today.
Learn more at LearnWithJusticeU.com

1 Required Steps
- Completed quiz “Final Exam: The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Human Trafficking (Microbadge)” with a score of 80 or higher