Justice U Human Trafficking Awareness Badge
For demonstrated awareness on the core issues surrounding human trafficking.
To earn this badge, the learner must complete the course final exam in the Justice U™ course, Human Trafficking Awareness with a score of 80% or higher. The exam has 25 questions based on the course learning objectives. Learners are allowed 3 attempts total.
This course and final exam addresses the following learning objectives:
- Define human trafficking.
- Distinguish common myths from facts.
- Identify vulnerable populations and risk factors.
- Define key factors that are behind trafficking behaviors.
- Recognize red flags that may indicate suspicious activity.
- Describe how to report suspected human trafficking.
- Describe the challenges that arise when working to end human trafficking
- Recognize the role of key organizations and agencies.
- Compare and contrast local and global issues.
How to share your digital credential:
Once you have earned this credential, simply follow the instructions you receive by email from Justice U™ via Credly. (These instructions are sent to the same email address you use for your Justice U account.) Once you have logged in to Credly and accepted this credential, you will also find sharing instructions, which include options for LinkedIn, a PDF download, and sharing to other social media accounts.
Note: If this page shows you have earned this achievement, but you have not received an email, try going directly to Credly to view, accept, and share your credential. Create a new account with Credly if it's your first time using Credly.
About Justice U™
Justice U is a learning platform that quickly delivers knowledge from experts in the anti-trafficking movement to audiences who need it, with tools every modern learner needs today.
Learn more at LearnWithJusticeU.com

1 Required Steps
- Complete the Human Trafficking Awareness course Final Exam with a score of 80% or higher